Online Timesheet News 2012

Improved project selection

For the selection out of a large number of projects, there is an improved project selection: now: It provides an additional search and the optional page by page display of the results. We recommend using the selection for accounts with approximately 100 active projects and more. This feature can be enabled in the tab "View" of the settings, under "Optimize selection for large number of projects".

Overtime - end of beta

The time models and the calculation of overtime are now included in the normal production.

Enhanced internationalization

The support for international date formats and other country-specific formats has been improved. Number formats are also better adapted to country of the user now. Just click on tab "General" in the settings to adjust your preferred format language and the country. These settings affect only the current date and number format - the display language does not change.


Many thanks for the numerous notes and suggestions for the calculation of overtime! Despite the advanced stage of development, we will try to consider as many requests as possible. Now the calculated overtime is exported together with the working hours - for PDF and Excel. For employees without a time model working time is exported as usual without target time and actual time.

Export of business ratio values

Business ratio values (like travel expenses or driven miles) can be exported now. Simple select the appropriate option at the export of the time log (time sheet). With business ratios, you can define all types of numerical quantity values for your timekeeping, which are stored together with the hours of work. Business ratio values are turned off by default: Please enable this feature in the settings under "view".

Overtime calculation in beta version

As announced the overtime registration and the associated time models can be tested in a beta version now. Time models are used to define the daily working hours. For the calculation of target hours, actual hours and overtime a time model is assigned to an employee.

Public holiday calendar

Now holidays for your online time sheet can be created and edited individually by a public holiday calendar.

New user interface for settings

Over the years the settings has become more and more comprehensive. So we decided to divide the settings into individual sections. Now the usual settings for time tracking and project tracking can be found under "General", "View" and "Security".

Business ratio values

Capture of business ratio values like travel expenses, mileage, materials consumption etc. is possible now. These values are assigned to time entries and projects and are easy to configure, so you can define your own business ratio types. Business ratios are disabled by default: If you want to use this feature in your time tracking system, please enable it in the settings under "view".

Users as participants in projects

Staff members can now be assigned to projects. The project lists are then adjusted accordingly and the project is only selectable for project participants. By default all staff members are project participants: So you can use the project time tracking without the administration of project members too.

Export of project data

Project data can be exported as Excel files now. Project times for multiple projects can also be exported at once.

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