August 2018
A warning message is now displayed for time entries that lie before the project start or after the project end of the selected project. The time entry is still saved nevertheless.
June 2018
Customers with open projects have so far not been able to go to the status " closed ". When closing such a customer with open projects, a dialog box is now displayed, which optionally closes all dependent projects automatically.
April 2018
The display of the project time has been revised: Now the remaining project time and the respective hour limit are also displayed in the project list. The additional graphic representation ensures a better overview. For projects without an hour limit, the actual project time for the project is still displayed.
January 2018
Project teams have been around for projects for a long time. Projects are only displayed for employees who are also a member. Users have so far been assigned to the projects via the project properties. Now the membership of a user can also be set in the user properties.