News Hint: Time Clock Station Software

There is also a ready-made time clock station software for Android that is compatible with Goodtime time tracking.

Web service interface for online time tracking

Web service interface for online time tracking

Technical description for software developers

The time tracking systems provides a simple interface for software developers to clock in and out users. The interface is implemented as a web service and is suitable for connecting time clocks.


The web service must be activated in the time recording settings (Security tab) and a password must be set. Note: The same password is also used for the REST API.

Technical description

Please use THIS WSDL file.

The service can be reached at:

A simple test client in Java as a zip file or tar file.

Description of the methods

Method punch

Stamps a user in or out.

Handling of very short time entries:
Clocking in and clocking out within the same minute is allowed (in contrast to the web interface). In this case, the next minute is taken as the end time. This procedure can result in overlaps between the generated time entries. In such a case an OverlappingTimeEntryFault (see below) is triggered, if "Allow overlapping timestamps" is switched off in the settings (the recommended default setting).

String useremail
The login email address that is also used to log in for Goodtime.
String webservicepassword
The password for the web service is set in the settings of the time tracking system.
Return value
The time entry which is created or modified.

Method getLastPunchentry

Returns the last time entry of a user.

String useremail
The login email address that is also used to log in for Goodtime.
String webservicepassword
The password for the web service is set in the settings of the time registration.
Return value:
The last (recent) time entry for the given login email. NULL is returned if no time entry is found. Time entries that start in the future are ignored.

Method hello

This method is for testing and always returns the string "Hello!".

Typ PunchEntry

A time entry with a start time and an end time..

String starttime
String endtime

Faults (Exceptions)

The following types of errors can occur:

Authentication error: For example, a wrong web service password.
The "Allow overlapping timestamps" option is switched off in the settings and the new entry would have caused a time overlap between time entries.
Various errors - see respective error message.