Privacy policy of Goodtime online employee time tracking

Our privacy policy ensures the protection of your data and explains how it may be used. We take the privacy of your personal data very seriously and we want you to know in which cases we store which data and how we use them.

Which data is processed and stored?

  • During registration you will be asked for your full name and company information.
  • When creating additional users, the gender, the full name and the email address of the employee are entered. Optionally, birth date, employee-ID and time zone can also be saved. Depending on the settings, additional data about the time model, vacation entitlement and project membership are stored.
  • The online time tracking system saves working time data and optionally project data. For each time entry with start time and end time a time type and optional a comment, a project or business ratios can be saved. The type of the business ratio is set by the user generically.
  • Depending on the settings, data about clients, projects, time types, time models, public holidays or business ratio types are saved.
  • Depending on the settings, data for the attendance of the user can be displayed.
  • Statistics are displayed showing the above data summarized for specific periods and statistically evaluated.

For what purpose is the data processed and stored?

Your working time data will be saved and processed as part of the online time tracking application to record the working time or for the recording of working time for a project . Your company address and invoices will be used for billing, accounting or tax purposes.

How long is the data stored?

  • Test accounts will be deleted within six months.
  • When a time tracking system account is terminated, the data is still available readonly. For example, it is still possible to export and download the working time data. Five years after the termination, the entire online time recording data with all accounts and associated data will be deleted automatically.
  • The Company addresses and invoices are kept in accordance with the accounting requirements and legal requirements and are based on the tax obligations for safekeeping.

Right to deletion

In case you left personal data to us, you may delete them at any time. Data used for accounting purposes are not subject to denouncement respectively deletion. Individual users and their time data can be deleted directly in the time tracking system. The time tracking administrator can request that the entire time registration system data be deleted. Please contact the Support Support if you would like your data to be deleted.

Transfer of personal information to third parties

Which data will be passed on: We will pass on the company address and the invoices to our tax consultant. In case of requested by the tax office, the company address and the invoices can also be passed on to the tax office. Apart from that, we use your time and project data only within the online time recording system. We are not forwarding your data to third parties without your explicit consent. Of course we will never sell or rent your data. Your company's working time data is private and will not be used or viewed by anyone else.


The time tracking system can - depending on the type of use - allow the analysis or prognosis of behavior, whereabouts, work performance, health or change of location.


We utilize cookies (small files containing configuration information). They help to improve the operation of Goodtime Online Time Tracking and implement user functions.

Personal data

Personal data are information which can be used to find out your identity. This includes information like your real name, adress, postal adress, and phone number. It does not include information which can not be directly linked to your real identity. You may generally use our online service without revealing your identity. If you sign up for Goodtime Online Employee Time Tracking, we will ask you to give your name and other personal information. So your working-time data and project-time data are personal data also and are subject to special data protection regulations.


Individuals below the age of 18 years should not convey personal data to us without consent of their parents or legal guardian.

Links to other web sites

Our online service contains links to other web sites. We do not have any influence on the operators of these sites to observe privacy regulations.

Questions and comments

For questions, proposals, or comments regarding the issue of privacy, please contact Support Support. The rapid evolution of the Internet requires adjustments of our privacy policy from time to time. We will inform you here about these changes.

25th of July 2023

Changes to the version of 17th of February 2011


Changes to the version of 25th of May 2018


Changes to the version of 25th of July 2023

StatCounter removed